Astrology, Life Coaching, Mental Health
& Spirit Medicine
Meet Gigi Robinson
Head Intuitive Astrologer for IAMLIVINGALIGNED.COM
providing education in Astrology, Sacred Healing
and Living Life in Alignment!
28 Days to Perfection Challenge

Living Aligned Virtual Class
28 Days to Perfection Virgo Challenge
Cost: $20 One Time Fee / Free Yearly for VC Members
Starts : August 26th, 2024
:28 Days of dedication
:4 Weeks of living by a schedule
:4 weekly check-in Meetings (Sundays)
~meal plan options with recipes
~workout challenges
~Money saving tips
~lifestyles to live stress free
~tips and resources to clear up your credit
28 Days to Perfection Challenge is all about uncovering the hidden Virgo within us all, that includes dealing with our work ethics (ability to keep schedules), our health (at least 3-4 days of physical activity), our bodies (effective and healthy meals that give you energy), observing our money habits from what comes in and what goes out.
Its all about our ability become the Virgo energy to analyze, categorize and organize every part of our schedules to make sure we are maximizing our day to day life.
The flip side of not taking advantage of this energy is decreased mental activity, low and suppressed immune system which brings on sickness, uneven finances, a lack in your ability to cover your bills and expenses and lastly, fears of failure. That's right, Virgo's strive for perfection because if they don't work, they feel the sensations of failure. So regardless if you're a Sun Virgo or not, we all deal with this energy and we are dealing with it now. So it's best to take advantage of it by getting every part of your life together, and you will get the 360 benefits for doing so! If not, you always got next year ;)
Our first check-in class is Saturday, Aug 24th, giving us 24-48 hours to start working on all the plans, schedules and food regime. We will OFFICIALLY start the working the schedule starting on Monday the 26th.
Are you up for the 28 Day Virgo Challenge?
Sign up Now and get your PDF to get started!